Friday, May 18, 2007

New Book:Toyota Product Development System: Integrating People, Process, and Technology

In The Toyota Product Development System: Integrating People, Process, and Technology, James Morgan and Jeffrey Liker compare and contrast the world-class product development process of Toyota with that of a U.S. competitor. They use extensive examples from Toyota and the U.S. competitor to demonstrate value stream mapping as an extraordinarily powerful tool for continuous improvement.
Through examples and case studies, this book illustrates specific techniques and proven practices for dealing with challenges associated with product development, such as synchronizing multiple disciplines, multiple function workload leveling, compound process variation, effective technology integration, and knowledge management.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The APM Project Management Conference

The APM Project Management Conference - The Business of Projects
The Brewery conference centre, London, 30-31 October 2007

The APM Project Management Conference 2007 is an interactive forum bringing together project management professionals and key decision makers across the public and private sector. It aims to set out and debate key subjects on the national project management agenda.
The conference will be structured around five topics representing key issues on the current project management agenda. The topics graduate from tactical elements of delivering business benefits through projects, through strategic issues of governance and the project management skills gap, to national issues of mega projects such as the Olympics and the global issue of sustainability.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Introducing RAMDA

RAMDA is focused on the needs of researchers, practitioners and students of research technology and innovation management. It is closely associated with the R&D Management journal and conferences.
Access this site for information about education and research activities in the field of research technology and innovation managementDetails of The R&D Management ConferencesHow to subscribe or publish in the journal R&D Management Links to summer schools, workshops and other events
