Tuesday, October 23, 2007

IT Project Management skills are undervalued by many businesses, a survey of 300 firms has revealed.

Research by Pardo Fox for IT management training company Globa Knowledge, found that firms placed the greatest value on IT professionals having good technical skills. Next in perceived importance were interpersonal skills, customer-facing skills, and understanding the employer's business, with project and service management skills rated lowest.

Steve Philp, marketing director at Global Knowledge, said, "Good project management skills are vital to the success of every major IT project, yet there seems to be a lack of awareness of this. That is a real concern, because today's IT professionals are tomorrow's IT managers, and if project and service management skills are underrated, there is a much higher risk of general project failure."

The survey also suggested that companies did not appreciate the extent to which an IT skills shortage could affect a business.

ref computerweekly.com

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